TerrariaCraft Mod License

"TerrariaCraft", incorporates assets from the game Terraria, developed by Re-Logic. You are granted the following rights:

  1. Usage: You may use this mod for personal use.
  2. Distribution: You may not distribute this mod. Distribution is only permitted through the following platforms: Modrinth, CurseForge, and TerrariaCraft's official channels.
  3. No Modification: You are prohibited from modifying or altering the mod's code. Creating addons is encouraged instead.
  4. Attribution: You must give proper credit to Re-Logic for the Terraria assets used in this mod, as well as TerrariaCraft team for the mod itself. The best way for that would be linking to terrariacraft.com website.
  5. Commercial Use: You may not sell this mod or earn money on the mod directly. Showcasing this mod, developing addons, and other ways of indirectly benefiting from using this mod is allowed.

This license is subject to change or update at the discretion of the mod's creator.